Sermons delivered in 2022
Sacred Space Isaiah 35: 1-10; Luke 1: 46b-55 – 2022/12/11
"Christ invests himself organically in all creation, within all creation, immersing himself in things, in the heart of matter, and thus unifying the world" -Ilia Delio December 11, 2022 "Reflecting the Sacred" Sacred Space Isaiah 35: 1-10; Luke 1: 46b-55 [...]Sacred People Matthew 3:1-2; Romans 15:4-13 – 2022/12/4
As a community of faith, we are being invited to soften our focus on life, to blur the hard edges of our lives, to see the whole picture with our hearts, to train our hearts to love as God loves, [...]Keep Awake Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44 – 2022/11/27
As a community of faith, we are being invited to soften our focus on life, to blur the hard edges of our lives, to see the whole picture with our hearts, to train our hearts to love as God loves, [...]Bread of Life John 6: 25-35 – 2022/11/20
Jesus wants the people to understand that it would have been enough that God provided physical bread to end their hunger pains. But God did more than that. God sent the Bread of Life to the people to satisfy the [...]Things Are About to Happen Luke 21: 5-19 – 2022/11/13
God never promises bad things will never happen to us. What God does promise us is that we do not have to be afraid because we know God is there with us, guiding us and leading us, God is there, [...]Memory Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Luke 24:13-25 – 2022/11/6
"There are times when belonging is not cemented in the lived moment of an experience but in the lively or somber retelling of the moment afterward. Which means we can transfer belonging to the next generation by welcoming them into [...]Justice and Liberation Amos 5: 23-24; Matthew 11:28-30 – 2022/10/30
"We are a people more concerned with ruling than loving. This is a mistake that positions us in places where we are no longer close enough to another person or thing to perceive its pain or need. To be human [...]Repair and Joy Ezra 3:10-13; Philippians 4:1-9 – 2022/10/23
I think we were made to be delighted in. And I think it takes just as much strength to believe someone's joy about you as it does to muster it all on your own. -Cole Arthur Riley October 23, 2022 [...]Rage Psalm 13; Mark 11: 12-17 – 2022/10/16
What does it mean that Christ doesn't just scream but also physically overturns tables? What does it mean that Christ doesn't just lament the bare fig tree but damns it, leaving his followers with gaping mouth and no immediate resolution? [...]Rest Psalm 23: 4b-6; Luke 8: 22-25 – 2022/10/9
Our faith story tells us that God makes us lie down in green pastures, that through rest and renewal we will find salvation, that sometimes when we are feeling as if we don’t have our feet underneath us the best [...]Us 2 Timothy 1: 7-9 – 2022/10/2
As we find ourselves in a place where the church is more and more segregated, let us work to bring denominations together; to bring the people who follow Christ together, with the sharing of the one thing we all share [...]Sermons Archive
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Faces of Our Faith (11)
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God is Doing Something Amazing (7)
Good Grief (5)
Gospel of Luke (6)
Gospel of Mark (5)
Gospel of Matthew (4)
Holy Vessels (7)
Housing the Holy (4)
It's A Wonderful Life (4)
Jonah (3)
Lengthening the Light for Real Change (7)
Lessons From Romans (3)
Love. . . (6)
Mark Chapter 1 (4)
Measure Your Life in Love (7)
Reflecting the Sacred (4)
Roll Down Justice (6)
Sacred Earth, Sacred Worth (7)
Special Services (7)
The Awakened Traveler (4)
The Lord's Prayer (3)
This Here Flesh (8)
This Little Light (4)
We Are the Church...Let's Act Like It (7)