This Here Flesh
September 4 – November 6, 2022
Justice and Liberation Amos 5: 23-24; Matthew 11:28-30 – 2022/10/30
"We are a people more concerned with ruling than loving. This is a mistake that positions us in places where we are no longer close enough to another person or thing to perceive its pain or need. To be human [...]Repair and Joy Ezra 3:10-13; Philippians 4:1-9 – 2022/10/23
I think we were made to be delighted in. And I think it takes just as much strength to believe someone's joy about you as it does to muster it all on your own. -Cole Arthur Riley October 23, 2022 [...]Rage Psalm 13; Mark 11: 12-17 – 2022/10/16
What does it mean that Christ doesn't just scream but also physically overturns tables? What does it mean that Christ doesn't just lament the bare fig tree but damns it, leaving his followers with gaping mouth and no immediate resolution? [...]Rest Psalm 23: 4b-6; Luke 8: 22-25 – 2022/10/9
Our faith story tells us that God makes us lie down in green pastures, that through rest and renewal we will find salvation, that sometimes when we are feeling as if we don’t have our feet underneath us the best [...]Wonder and Calling Psalm 19; Matthew 18:1-5 – 2022/9/18
Fear comes in many different shapes, forms and experiences. We try to stave fear off by grasping by what we control when in reality what our faith teaches us is it is not one or the other. To be human [...]Place and Belonging Genesis 28:1-5; John 14:1-7 – 2022/9/11
In a Christian community everything depends upon whether each individual is an indispensible link in a chain. Only when even the smallest link is securely interlocked is the chain unbreakable. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer September 11, 2022 "This Here Flesh" Place and [...]Body and Dignity Genesis 1: 27-28; Hebrews 2: 5-9, 14 – 2022/9/4
"If we are divided from our body, we are also divided from the body of the world-which then appears to be other than us, or separate from us, rather than the living continuum to which we belong." - Philip Shepherd [...]Sermons Archive
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It's A Wonderful Life (4)
Jonah (3)
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Mark Chapter 1 (4)
Measure Your Life in Love (7)
Reflecting the Sacred (4)
Roll Down Justice (6)
Sacred Earth, Sacred Worth (7)
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The Awakened Traveler (4)
The Lord's Prayer (3)
This Here Flesh (8)
We Are the Church...Let's Act Like It (7)