Midway Christian Church, as Disciples of Christ, believes that as people of faith it is important to ground ourselves in the Word of God. Part of our worship experience reflects this understanding. Each week during our Sunday morning worship services, Pastor Heather McColl delivers a sermon that has been carefully crafted after spending time in study, reading over the chosen text, and praying over the chosen text. The resulting sermon is designed to share the word of love and grace which God is bringing to our community of faith.
Pastor McColl’s sermons are available here to watch, listen to, or read.*
* The reproduction or use of any part of these sermons without the expressed written permission of Midway Christian Church is prohibited. The online availability of these sermons does not express this permission. Not all material included in these sermons are original to Midway Christian Church or our ministers. Where crediting outside sources is possible, quotation marks are used.
Leaving Everything Behind and Following Jesus Luke 5: 1-11 – 2025/2/9
Luke reminds us that our call as followers of Jesus is not about saving souls. It is not about membership numbers. Our call, our mission, our identity, our ministry as Jesus’ disciples is about building relationships with others, about being [...]No Prophet is Welcome Luke 4: 21-30 – 2025/2/2
When we sit with this passage from Luke 4 for a while, we realize the crowd's reaction was never about Jesus. It was about them. It is about us. It is about the Beloved Community in our midst. It is [...]Preach the Good News Luke 4: 14-21 – 2025/1-26
In Luke, we are told that Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, returns to Galilee to begin his ministry. Unlike other Gospels where Jesus' ministry starts with miracles like turning water into wine, Luke has Jesus officially starting his ministry [...]One Spirit, One Body 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 – 2025/1/19
Laity Sunday is a reminder, a visible sign, of our commitment as a community of faith that we are all ministers and that our journeys have led us to this place, this community of Midway to serve. It also centers [...]Baptism Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 – 2025/1/12
On Baptism Sunday as we remember our own baptism, we use the opportunity for us to reclaim, to reaffirm who we are, especially when that narrative in our heads sometimes tells us that we are not enough, especially because we [...]The Light Matthew 2: 1-12 – 2025/1/5
Today we hear again, one of God's stories. The Story of The Light. January 5, 2025 "The Light" Matthew 2: 1-12 Rev. Dr. Heather W. McColl Matthew 2: 1-12 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was [...]This Little Light Fills the World with Love Isa 60; John 1 – 2024/12/22
As people of faith, we believe that God’s love does have the power to change the world. We are counting on it. We are depending on it. As people of faith, we know that God’s love does have the power [...]This Little Light Radiates Joy Isaiah 9: 1-7 – 2024/12/15
For like all those years ago for the people of God, in the midst of all this gloom, a light continues to dawn. This light reminds us again of the promise of Advent…that this world will not have the last [...]This Little Light Brings Peace Isaiah 2: 1-5 – 2024/12/8
Peace on Earth may be an elusive reality, yet it is our hope as people of faith. It is what we hold to - that image of God's Peaceable Kingdom coming to fruition for all of God's people. It is [...]This Little Light Shines Bright with Hope Isaiah 42: 1-9 – 2024/12/01
We embrace the call to let our light shine so that all will know that love will overcome by letting our light shine bright with hope. And to do that, we find courage and strength in these words from Isaiah, [...]Bread of Life John 6: 24-35 – 2024/11/24
Like the crowd that followed Jesus across the sea and knowing our physical needs have been met, it is time to embrace the invitation to see the larger picture, to realize that there is more happening than we realized, and [...]Sermons Archive
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Love. . . (6)
Mark Chapter 1 (4)
Measure Your Life in Love (7)
Messages from Luke (4)
Reflecting the Sacred (4)
Roll Down Justice (6)
Sacred Earth, Sacred Worth (7)
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The Awakened Traveler (4)
The Lord's Prayer (3)
This Here Flesh (8)
This Little Light (4)
We Are the Church...Let's Act Like It (7)