Philemon Philemon 1 – 2021/08/29
As people of faith, it is our responsibility to know what is written in our sacred texts, and to know how these texts are being used or misused in the name of faith. It is also our responsibility to discern […]
As people of faith, it is our responsibility to know what is written in our sacred texts, and to know how these texts are being used or misused in the name of faith. It is also our responsibility to discern […]
Conversation is food for the soul. The Gospel message is not shared by beating people over the head with it. It is shared through one on one conversations, one on one dialogue, which nurtures and feeds the soul. August 22, […]
In those times when we are worn out and weary to our very souls, we need an opportunity to gather at the river, an invitation to come and worship by the river, a moment to come by the waters and […]
This waiting expectantly for the coming of the Kingdom of God is a partnership. It is a covenant we as people of faith have made with God. This waiting expectantly for the coming of the Kingdom of God is the […]
When all the twelve had given up hope, when the twelve had abandoned, betrayed, and denied Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the other women held onto the words of Jesus, held onto the teachings of Jesus . August 01, 2021 Mary […]
Our story is about the the powers of this world trying to have the last word. Our story is a reminder that again, death is not the end of the story for us as people of faith. July 18, 2021 […]
We as people of faith are called to have the bravery, to have the confidence to stand up and say no, to say this is not right when we see behavior which goes against the very values of the Kingdom […]
For us as people of faith who are trying to figure out how to be this Both/And community of faith, the story of the daughters of Zelophehad cautions us against replying “Well, we’ve never done it that way” when faced […]
Our faith story tells us that, even when all seems lost, God is still at work in the world, bringing about new life, that God is still at work in the world bringing about healing and wholeness, and that systems […]
The story of Adam and Eve is about us, as the people of God viewing this world through the eyes of God and responding. . . seeing the brokenness, seeing the pain, seeing the isolation, creating connection so that all […]
© [2021] · Midway Christian Church, Midway, KY