Sermons delivered in 2022
Place and Belonging Genesis 28:1-5; John 14:1-7 – 2022/9/11
In a Christian community everything depends upon whether each individual is an indispensible link in a chain. Only when even the smallest link is securely interlocked is the chain unbreakable. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer September 11, 2022 "This Here Flesh" Place and [...]Body and Dignity Genesis 1: 27-28; Hebrews 2: 5-9, 14 – 2022/9/4
"If we are divided from our body, we are also divided from the body of the world-which then appears to be other than us, or separate from us, rather than the living continuum to which we belong." - Philip Shepherd [...]Places of Honor Luke 14: 1, 7-14- 2022/8/28
The Kingdom of God is like a place of honor that is given to all regardless of social status, wealth, or education. The Kingdom of God is like a gift freely given. It cannot be earned. It cannot be bought. [...]Set Free Luke 13: 10-17 – 2022/8/21
Sabbath is not simply about rest, although that is a huge part. Sabbath is about bringing about God's Peaceable Kingdom here on Earth. August 21, 2022 "Lessons From the Gospel of Luke" Set Free Luke 13: 10-17 Rev. Dr. Heather: [...]Interpreting the Present Time Luke 12: 49-56 – 2022/8/14
For us to be the people that God created and calls us to be, we cannot accept unity if it is defined as uniformity. No longer is peace about making everyone comfortable, everyone happy. Luke reminds us that the Gospel [...]Be Ready Luke 12: 32-40 – 2022/8/7
When we realize that God’s creation is not given to us to be used and abused but rather to be enjoyed, to be celebrated, to be seen as our connection to a world larger than us, everything changes. August 7, [...]Change is Gonna Come 1 Corinthians 15: 51-58 – 2022/7/31
Flesh and blood are rooted in this current life where nothing lasts forver. There is a change, a change that is exactly what the Gospel, and Paul, promised. Nothing lasts forever. July 31, 2022 Change is Gonna Come 1 Corinthians [...]The Seeds of Abundance James 3-4, Luke 11 – 2022/7/24
As humans, we don't need everything and anything but through God, we have access to all we need. We only need enough; what is sufficient. July 24, 2022 The Seeds of Abundance James 3: 13-4: 3, 7-8a Luke 11: 9-13 [...]Distracted by Many Things Luke 10: 38-42 – 2022/7/17
Luke's Parable of the Good Samaritan, a story of what happens when we allow religion to become our focus, is followed by the story of Mary and Martha to show us what happens when we allow service to become our [...]The Kingdom of God Has Come Near Luke 10: 1-11 – 2022/7/10
Jesus didn't send out his disciples when his work was complete, He sent them out in the midst of the uncertainty and the unknown; Jesus didn't send out his disciples when everything was solved or decided, He sent them out [...]Liberty and Justice For All Hymn Sing – 2022/7/3
As people of faith, we know that justice is a core value of the Kingdom of God. It calls us to live in community with one another, shapes our prayers, and reminds us of our connection to one another. July […]
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